I’ve never seen a rainbow like this.

If you don’t believe God’s promises are real, you need to take pause and read this. About a month ago Amy and I started a little private fundraiser for this young lady from Madagascar. She moved here to the USA to study, but now has taken the step to teach too. We raised funds to help her with some needs she has to be settled here during this season of her life. <<Read the Story>>

Have you ever had the feeling like God doesn’t really see you? That feeling can happen to any of us. But just because it’s a feeling doesn’t make it a truth.

Mamisoa came over to the house for dinner, and we handed her the $600 dollars raised from the blessing fund. She was speechless. God did see her, and He cared deeply about her. Though the photo we took coming out of Walmart is a light refraction of the camera lens, what an incredible reminder of God’s covenant. He is with us. He sees us. His banner over us is love. He will never fail us.

Mamasua walking out of Walmart after a wonderful shopping experience.

“Hey I just wanted to reach out personally and thank you so much for speaking this week! You expanded my mind so much, and I didn’t even know Lordship was a thing until this week, haha; I really appreciate you!”

-DTS Student

I was super excited to join the Discipleship Training School for a week of teaching on the subject of lordship until I realized it was going to be over Zoom. How was this going to work? I wasn’t going to be able to jump around like my usual self.

Online teaching was our only option, as we had an outbreak of Covid on the campus over the past few weeks. Our communications office had several affected; the DTS students were affected; and even CHS where Amy teaches was affected. It’s been 2 weeks of “work from home.”

Though teaching from a computer screen isn’t my favorite, God can use it. I honestly believe everyone needs discipleship. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, your occupation, or your age; discipleship isn’t optional.

There’s something so special about the Discipleship Training School at YWAM. I think it’s the immersion experience, which puts this model of training in a different category than a great Sunday sermon, small group, or mentoring relationship. Those are all great things. They can be helpful in our lives. But so many come to our campus without really “knowing God.”

I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a small part in seeing these students take a new step in following Jesus a little more closely than they were before. Even though they were quarantined, we had some special moments connecting with the heart of God. Pray they never forget these transformational moments in their lives.

On Wednesday’s the CHS high school joins our AgTech program for a day of learning about agricultural technologies. We are hoping Audrey’s beans will grow!
Audrey was part of a music team who lead the entire worship element at a recent Sunday evening service at our main YWAM Tyler campus.

We voted and know many of you did as well. During this season of our nation navigating challenging times we are committed to pray for our country. Would you commit to praying for our nation every single day?! We are and hope you’ll pray too.

Also we want to invite you to an incredible event our campus is hosting in Plymouth, Massachusetts November 21st. Please consider tuning into this livestreaming event. I always thought I had a pretty good understanding of the foundations of America. Well, I didn’t. I’m thankful for the season of learning I’ve been in. The Mayflower Compact, signed 400 years ago in 1620, explains clearly what principles our country was founded on and what our main focus and concerns should be. Click the Photo to sign up for the livestream and join me and many others in celebrating America’s historic foundations!


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